Enrichment events can broaden a perspective, instill a new passion, or even change a musician’s life.
Bringing professional musicians right into the classroom who can inspire and teach is an MISD Orchestra Program priority, supported through grants and Mercer Island Orchestra Booster fundraising.
Seattle Rock Orchestra – Spring 2022
On May 2nd, 2022 Seattle Rock Orchestra conducted a one-day clinic and concert at Islander Middle School for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grad orchestra students. Students worked with SRO during their class times and 7th and 8th grade students participated in a combined rehearsal after school. They then invited parents and community members to join them for a concert that afternoon where they showed off their new skills in rock musicianship and improvisation.
This project enabled students to encounter their instruments in innovative and new ways.
Violin Rocks! Geoffrey Castle – Spring 2017
Geoffrey Castle lead workshops over 2 days with all classes, from 5th to 12th grades. A pioneer on the electric six-string violin who challenges people’s pre-conceived notions of what is possible on a violin, Geoffrey weaves old school R&B, funk, jazz, blues, and gospel with traditional Celtic melodies into his music. He performed for students, and talked about alternative paths in music for students, either as a performer or as a supplement to their professional career.
Thank you to the MI Community Fund for granting this event!
Coaching Session with Allyson Kramer – Spring 2017
Allyson Kramer, founder of VIVACE! Chamber Players, worked with the Chamber Orchestra.
Thank you to an anonymous parent sponsor.
University of Portland Chamber Orchestra – Fall 2016
The college chamber orchestra performed and gave a panel on music in college to MIHS orchestra classes.
Masterclass with Maria Larionoff – Spring 2016, 2017
Chamber Orchestra and advanced students in Symphonic Orchestra experienced a masterclass and feedback session on new music with former concertmaster and professional violin soloist Maria Larionoff.
Thank you to MISF/PTA grants.
Rhapsody Project – April 2016
The goal of the Rhapsody Project is to strengthen communities through song and spread the gospel of folk and blues music. Rhapsody is the integration of performance and teaching designed to facilitate cross-generational, cross-cultural interactions through the medium of music. We want regular folks–especially the youth– to understand that America’s folk and blues music is not a relic, but a thriving tradition. It’s not only about the fantastical, deeply mysterious recordings that we can all hear now on records or online. Music is a playground for the imagination with no barriers to entry.
Thank you to MISF/PTA grants.