Mercer Island Orchestra Boosters

First In-Person Concert of the Year!

Senior soloists:
Nora Evans-violin
Ethan Park-double bass
Alex Mayton-flute
Lauren Majewski-oboe
Jared Marcus-violin


Alex Mayton has been with the orchestra program since his freshman year. He plays the flute and piccolo for both orchestra and band. He will be attending Virginia Military Academy to study Biology where he would like to continue playing the flute as a hobby.

Ethan Park started his musical life as a violinist and decided to switch to string bass at the end of his sophomore year. As a bass player, he played a Major Concerto that same year at Eastshore Solo and Ensemble Festival. Ethan will be attending University of Washington next year.

Jared Marcus is a graduating senior in the class of 2021 and will be attending Syracuse University in the fall to study Broadcast and Digital Journalism. Jared has a multitude of fond memories throughout his many years in the orchestra program but a few of his greatest include, fun trips to Factoria mall after performing, his Senior solo, and the once-in-a-lifetime Disney trip with the Orchestra. Jared will dearly miss Mrs. Miltun and the entire Orchestra class and can’t wait to see his friends play solos and continue to make amazing music for the future.

Lauren Majewski has enjoyed music all her life, and started playing the oboe 6 years ago. She joined orchestra as a freshman, and has loved every minute of it. Lauren will be attending University of Washington and is excited to take part in their amazing music and orchestra program.

Norah Evans has been playing the violin since age 4 and has been part of the Mercer Island Orchestra for the last 8 years. Several highlights include the trip to Disneyland, her senior solo, and placing at Eastshore Solo and Ensemble. She will be attending Olin College of Engineering in Needham, MA next year. She looks forward to bringing her violin to play in the Olin Conductorless Orchestra.


Outstanding Freshman                  Nandini Mishra
Most Improved                                 Kate Greer & Alexander Durkee
Leadership Award                            Sidh Schrof
Most Supportive                               Angela Lee & Owen Pasquali
Most Inspirational                           Grace Go & Henry Goecken
Best Musician                                    Ava Yeh & Alexander Singh
Most Talented                                   Chloe Degracia & Yunia Zhang
Most Helpful                                      Julia Pearman & Violet Kinney & Luna Ruan
Best Attitude                                     Izzy Biggs & Marla Lee & John Lee
Most Hardworking                           Lily Ryerson & Susie Yang
Best All Round                                   Yuki Ye & Violet Kinney
Knows everyone’s phone #            Grace Go
Orchestra Board                               Sidh Schrof
Dedication                                          Daniel Marcus & Davin Aoyama & Madison Liu
Director’s Award                              Lucas Lessard & Megan Sandoval & Ryan Chen
Outstanding Sophomore               Priya Bhananker
Outstanding Junior                          Lily Jester
Most Improved                                 Simran Albuquerque & Harrison Wang
Leadership Award                            Angeline Lee
Most Supportive                               Stella Prophater & Angelina Durkee
Most Inspirational                            Ellie Shi
Best Musician                                    Amanda Chin
Most Talented                                   Clyde Brown
Most Helpful                                      Thomas Dinh
Best Attitude                                     Cora Meredith & Jolie Llorin
Orchestra Board                               Stella Prophater
Dedication                                          Miles Avilez & Bailey Rosengren
Director’s Award                               Ben Payson & Kaitlin Zhong
Outstanding Sophomore               Sophia Rosales
Outstanding Junior                          Joe Zhang
Outstanding Senior & Leader       Norah Evans
Jr Leadership Ava Rosenbaum;

So Leadership Garrett Lee
Most Improved                                 So Katie Evans; Jr Aimee Graesser & Sr Brynn Doty
Most Supportive                              Annika Bahnanker         
Most Inspirational                          So – Sarah Hochberg;
                                                             Jr. Bennett Samuelly
                                                             Sr Jeremy Wong
Best Musician                                   Hide Shiotsu
Most Talented                                   Ethan Park & Shaadaan Burn & Jarrett Sato
Most Helpful                                      Kyle Iwasaki Zoom Tech Helper!
Best Attitude                                     Marti Flickinger & Nin Garr
Most Hard Working                          Olivia Guo & Tong Lin
Best Video Editor                             Ethan Cheney
Did not get the Most Distracted/Most Distracting Award – Jared
Orchestra Board                               Norah, SarahF, Justin, Annika, Elsa
Dedication                                        Elsa Lanctot & Justin Shen
Wind Player Dedication                  Ben Kinder
Outstanding Wind Player               Alex Mayton & Lauren Majewski
Director’s Award                              Jared Marcus & Rachel Leung & Jon Pinney-Brown

PTA Orchestra Award – Jared Marcus
Team-O Miltun – Sarah Fredrickson
National School Orchestra Award – Norah Evans

First In-Person Concert of the Year! Read More »

Chamber 2021-2022

Chamber A
Violin I
Joe Zhang, Concertmaster
Shaadaan Burn
Olivia Guo
Sophia Rosales
Violin II
Garrett Lee, Principal
Nandini Mishra
Kyle Iwasaki
Jarrett Sato
Hide Shiotsu, Principal
Davin Aoyama 10
Ava Rosenbaum, Co-Principal
Marti Flickinger, Co-Principal
Ethan Cheney
Sarah Hochberg
Tong Lin
Bennett Samuelly
Nin Garr

Chamber B
Violin I
Aimee Graesser, Concertmaster
Lucas Lessard
Megan Sandoval
Lily Ryerson
Violin II
Amanda Chin, Principal
Stella Prophater
Alexander Singh
Thomas Dinh 25
Alexander Durkee
Katie Evans, Principal
Kate Greer
Angeline Lee
Violet Kinney
Bailey Rosengren
Sidh Schroff, Principal
Daniel Marcus
Daniel Marcus 

Chamber 2021-2022 Read More »