Beyond performances in the orchestra, competitions provide an opportunity for student musicians to experience an important part of a musician’s life – performing one’s best either as a solo or in an ensemble in front of judges or master teachers.
Not all competitions are the same. Some are competitive contests while others are designed to give feedback to the performer, providing different perspective and advice than from one’s private teacher or school instructor.
MISD Orchestra Program has selected the following competition opportunities scheduled outside school hours during the academic year.
Eastshore Solo and Ensemble
Perhaps the most competitive league in the state, the Eastshore competition is run by WIAA/WMEA.
This is a multi-part competition for both solo students, small ensembles, and larger orchestras. Various competitions run from January through April. Details vary and information will be handed out after winter break each year.
All State / All Northwest Honor Group Competition
Similar to All-Star teams in sports, students from across the state audition for a spot on the Honor Group orchestra which then plays together for one weekend. Every year there is a WA State Honor Group, and in odd-numbered years, there is additionally a Northwest Honor Group that pulls in top student musicians from Idaho and Oregon as well.
September – Student musicians (7th-12th grade) can choose to submit an audition recording. All recordings are done at school, usually on a weekend day by appointment.
– IMS: Students must play the required materials as listed on WMEA.org. They are same requirements year after year. Students are competing for Junior All State Honor Group.
– High school: Students should check WMEA.org for the required materials, typically 2 scales, 2 orchestral excerpts and one minute of their current literature. The scales and excerpt change every year.
Mercer Island Orchestra Festival
Mercer Island Orchestra Festival, originated by Vicki White Miltun and now widely copied across the U.S., gives student orchestra musicians an opportunity to perform in front of their peers in a non-competitive, friendly setting. Scheduled purposely at the start of the school year, adjudicators give feedback to both conductor and students as to where they may focus learning in the coming year in order to perform at a higher level. Orchestra groups ranging from 25 to 110 students come to Mercer Island to perform. The judges select 4-5 groups to perform at the close of the festival.
Last Saturday in October – The Philharmonic (9th grade) Orchestra, Symphonic (10th-12th grade) Orchestra and the Chamber Ensemble all are required to play in the Festival.
Tentatively, a Chamber Invitational component may be added on Friday night prior to the Mercer Island Orchestra Festival, pending logistics and adjudicator schedules. This would be run as sort of a master class, and the Chamber Orchestra would be required to play.
Competitions Outside the Scope of MISD Orchestra Program
Seattle Young Artist Music Festival
Performance Opportunities, Adjudications, and Master Classes for Young Musicians.
Online registration: Dec/Jan
Festival: March
Concerto Playoffs: March
Young Artists Concerto Concert: May
Performing Arts Festival of the Eastside (PAFE)
Dedicated to providing a fun and educational experience for young performers in the Greater Eastside areas of metropolitan Seattle in Washington state since 1986. The festival is adjudicated by distinguished collegiate and conservatory musicians and artists.