When purchasing an instrument, please remember that what seems like a “great deal” online or through a private sale may not be. The same can apply to something you found in your grandpa’s attic. String instruments come in a wide array of quality and a poor-quality instrument can be impossible to play and will discourage students as they will be ergonomically uncomfortable, and they will not be able to produce a characteristic tone.
String instruments need lots of set-up done by hand, by a luthier, for optimal playability and comfort. Oftentimes instruments bought online need hundreds of dollars of set-up work. If you are planning to purchase an instrument and a bow, we recommend choosing the instrument first, and then working through a second round of “tryouts” for the bow – trying out both at once can produce a situation of too many variables.
Please consult with an instructor before purchasing and/or take advantage of the expertise of a reputable dealer. We have a longstanding relationship with both Hammond Ashley and Henry Bischofberger and recommend them for purchase, rental, and repair.
We highly recommending renting an instrument, especially for young musicians as they will outgrow their instruments and change frequently. Rental fees often count as “credits” toward a future instrument purchase. Consider purchasing once your child is on the “terminal” size for their instrument (full-sized violin, 16.5” viola, full-sized cello, or ¾-sized bass).
Here’s a list of questions our instructors recommend asking vendors when purchasing an instrument:
1) Do you have a luthier on staff at your location?
* Instruments oftentimes come from factories and need “set up,” by hand. A trained luthier is who must do this.
2) (If you’ve previously rented): What kind of credit have I accrued toward a purchase?
* Most shops offer this.
3) What brand of instruments do you supply? What brand of strings are on them?
* Talk to your orchestra director about reputable brands.
4) Can I check out a few instruments to try out for my orchestra director and private teacher?
* The answer should always be yes. Buying an instrument is a process, not a one-stop shop.
If you are not yet ready to purchase an instrument, a new set of strings or a bow rehair can be a huge upgrade to the sound of your child’s instrument. Rehairs take a bit of turnaround time (maybe a week or two) and are done by a luthier. Cost varies – maybe around $100ish. Here are the string brands we recommend for middle school students.
Violin – Dominant ADG, Pirastro gold label E (around $75)
Viola/Cello/Bass – Helicore full set (around $65 viola, $135 cello, $175 bass)
Hammond Ashley Violins
970 5th Ave NW, Suite 100
Issaquah, WA 98027
Tel: 425.392.3963
Henry Bischofberger Violins
5807 114th Ave NE
Kirkland WA 98033
Tel: 425.822.0717
Required $100 Rental for In-School Use of Cellos and Bass
Realizing that cello and bass are too large to transport back and forth from school, the MISD Orchestra Program acquired and rents out cello and bass to orchestra students at school.
The cost is $100 per school year. You will pay for this on the MISD payment system.
All moneys are completely spent each year entirely on instrument repairs. There is no other school budget for this, and it is very appreciated that cello and bass parents submit this fee in September. Thank you.